On Thursday, August 25, 2022, we had the opportunity to hold our Business Breakfast on Innovation and Digital Transformation, which had the participation of 4 Speakers of great international recognition and journey, who presented their topics and points of view, and spoke to us from their experience on different topics covering the digital world and industry 4.0. We had an overwhelming attendance from different sectors and industries of the city of Cartagena de Indias, who accompanied us on this morning day.
We successfully closed this Business Breakfast that promotes the promotion of Innovation and Digital Transformation in Cartagena, with a total of 63 attendees, more than what was predicted, where most people gathered early in the morning to be in the event. The morning began with the presentation of our General Manager William Vasquezwho opened with his talk LSV-TECH and Digital Transformation, followed by the first speaker, Guillermo Estrada, who spoke about Digital Transformation and the importance of Information. Who followed was Narger Joseph, from the United States he accompanied us on his first visit to Colombia, which was precisely in Cartagena, he shared with us a little of his journey and the importance of Cybersecurity - Cybersecurity for companies in modern times, as we must take care of our organization and of course our customers, this talk ended with the signing of the alliance between LSV TECH SAS and Development InfoStructure, LLC. From Spain we continued with Fernando Ferrando who shared with us and expressed that Cartagena was his second home and told us about the Transversality of Digital Transformation. We continued with our guest from Brazil, Erickson Lima and his talk about the Digital Transformation at Nokia, in addition to how LSV has contributed to the development and strategic horizons with new technologies, such as RPA at Nokia. We closed the event with a space for questions, where attendees expressed their gratitude and satisfaction with the event and also reflected us doubts or concerns that were awakened as the day progressed. In a day full of innovation, we ended with our Virtual and Augmented Reality Center so that attendees could interact with these cutting-edge technologies.
Finally, special thanks to ANDI Bolivar, the Sectoral Boards of SENA, the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena, the Plastic Petrochemical Cluster and of course the Mayor's Office of Cartagena, who did their part to make the event possible. To the attendees for allowing us to share with you a space of knowledge and valuable interaction. And finally to each person of LSV-TECH that with teamwork we managed to have a successful Business Breakfast.